- Remember that other people's bad behaviour/attitude is always more about them than it is about you; conversely, if you find yourself being less than kind to another person, look inside yourself for the reason why.
- When the choice is laugh or cry, laugh in public; cry in private.
- When you remember other people, think of them at their BEST not their worst.
- Wear comfortable shoes.
- And Sunscreen.
- "Of all the kids in the whole entire Universe, I got the very BEST one." Never forget that. [Renfrew and I began telling her this at bedtime when she was about 2 -- I heard Dr. Phil McGraw say he and his wife did the same thing with their sons. I LOVED the idea - - and it is true.]
- Feed the cats.
- Watching your enthusiasm for Cosplay (not to mention your incredible talent) brings me JOY -- you are so much YOURSELF when you are creating ways to be someone (or something) else. It's magic.
- My favourite Christmas memory is you hanging up the 'Santa Key' and tossing the 'Reindeer Food' out on the deck from High Prairie when you were 5 or 6.
- Do not have children until you could support them on your own if you had to do so. [So sayth my Mom aka Grandma Thu.]
- Always, always, always have a Plan "B" -- for anything you do and for your life in general. [Ted King - my high school French teacher.]
- Trust your gut.
- Take risks . . . if you fall, I will help you get up.
- Don't be afraid to take a 'do-over'. I've started over many, many times.
- Every Dandelion you see is a "I Love You" from your Thu.
- Snowtires -- get them. Do NOT take them off your car until after Mother's Day.
- Dreams are free.
- Good friends are the reward we get for being a good friend. I know you are a friend worth gold because I see it reflected in the friends you keep close to you.
- Yes, your Dad is paranoid and sees boogie men around every corner . . . but only because he loves you.
- YOU are well on your way to slaying any boogie man who makes it past your dad.
- Get to know our family - - yes, we are crazy and hard to take in large groups (I realize that I grew up with the large groups. . . as an only child who lived far from family for a big part of your childhood, you did not so I GET why they are discomfiting.) but one-on-one every single person has a story that is part of yours.
- Life is a journey . . . take the scenic route.
- Never give anyone else the power to control your happiness and sense of worth. KNOW in your bones that both of these things are YOURS and yours alone.
- Shoot for the stars, if you fall a bit short there are plenty of planets and moons worth exploring.
Today is my girl-child's 17th birthday. She is more amazing than I imagined when I held all 6 pounds 11 ounces of her in my arms that first night at the hospital. The time has flown . . . but what lies ahead for her . . . well I can hardly wait to see where life takes her and what she discovers about not only the world, but about herself. (February 23, 2015)
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